Are you interested in integrity in business? Skeptical about integrity in network marketing? I can show you how to build integrity into your network marketing organization and much of it will apply to business in general. To top it off, how about an organization full of adults, not just children who look like adults. Be careful who you let mentor you.

Monday, March 14, 2005

I assume you want a life Part I


Here I am again with a few minutes to spare before I pick up my son at the library. I have the opportunity to do this because of the relative freedom of my schedule. I attribute the relative freedom of my schedule to the choices I have made and continue to make with regard to income strategies.

I don't have to deal with heavy traffic as often as a lot of people I know. I don't have to work eight, 10 or 12 hours straight. Tonight I have two phone calls scheduled which will take approximately 1 1/2 hours total. I choose to be at home in front of my computer, but I could be on those calls from another location.

Some people on the internet would have you believe that you can do everything automatically. Set it up and let it run. I have found that you don't develop relationship that way and without relationship, the percentage of teammates who remain with you after weeks, months or years is pretty low.

In addition to this, many people who can actually teach you how to make great income forget that you would like to have a life in addition to the income. My goal is for you to have a life AND the income. Does it take some time? Yes. Does it take all your time? No. Relationship is one of the keys. So, if someone thinks they're going to sit at their computer and not really connect with another human being and make lots of money and have a life, well, I'm sorry, but I don't see that happening with something legitimate in network marketing.

By the way, my goal is actually for you to have more than a life. I'd like you to have a magnificent life. Is that ok with you?


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